
I'm gonna be an auntie again...

But this time, my sister's expecting a girl (due end of July)!

I did not expect that when she called on Monday to tell me the news...

(Let me explain...on my side, there are 5 nephews & 1 niece. On Jared's side, there are two nephews. So I'm pretty used to - and loving - boys. As Chad jokingly said, "What in the world are we gonna do with a girl?!")

I am so happy for Ginnie & Chad & Cameron.
Congratulations Shorter family!
I love you (& yes, you may name her Katie or any derivation thereof)!

1 comment:

The Sorensen Bunch said...

Oh Gosh as I scrolled down I almost DIED!!! I thought you were tellin gus something...but p[retty much it IS almost the same thing considering what a proud and ROCKIN auntie you must be!