
Your random fun links for the day

The Cosby show celebrates 25 years. I feel old.

This one's for Chad - photos of the World Beard & Mustache Championships. Shudder.

Apparently, people in Philly have gotta be reminded to wash their hands. Wha??

Passive Aggressive Notes (wow, this reminds me of one of my college roommates).

Passive Aggressive Work Lunch/Fridge Notes.

Celebrities without makeup. Proving they are, in reality, just as ugly as we all are. Ha!

Quiz time: Which superhero are you? Apparently I'm Spiderman. Huh. Who knew.

Another quiz: Which villian are you? I'm Mystique.

Can you ID the candybar? I only got half right. I guess I don't know candy as well as I thought.

Take words & change them into a different dialect. Hilarious. (For example, "Have a nice day" in jive is "Gots some supa fine day. Slap mah fro!")

Truly odd products for sale.

And finally...

Graph Jam. Randomness put into graph form. This site is cracking me up.

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