
More pics from Gin's...

I told you I'd have some more (in no particular order).
(Thanks to Scott for being the weekend photographer!
You rock!)

The awesome Shorter family.
I love these guys.

Hanging out with both sets of parents, a brother, & neighbors for an impromptu BBQ

Cute Cam.
(I know sometimes he's a little ornery - he is two, after all - but I just love him.)

Sweet Charlotte.
I could snuggle this little girl forever. And she does like to be held!

Yay! A smile!

Swimmin' with dad in Grandpa & Grandma's hotel pool

The big thumbs up to Uncle Scott!
(I love this picture.)

I love how attentive Charlotte is to her Grandpa Wayne in this shot.
(I wonder, too, if my mom & dad are taken aback by how much their little granddaughter looks like her mom, their little girl...)

Cam stole Charlotte's baby blanket, apparently, and totally thinks he's hilarious here.
(See? I love this kid. He laughs at himself.)

So sleepy.

Scott entertaining Cam for a pic.

I love my little sister. She's so cute!

The whole fam at a Brewers game

Downtown Madison

Papa Shorter & baby Char

I saw a lot of this face when I visited.
(I guess it is pretty tough to be a 2-year-old & be adjusting to a new little sister at the same time...)

Grammy Shorter & Cam, reading.
So sweet.

My dad can work smiles out of babies & children more than anyone I know.
Well, maybe Scott & Jared too.
(Apparently the men in our family have a gift...)

Cam swinging with Grandpa & Grandma

He's getting so big!
(I can't wait to see how much the kids have grown at Christmas!)


Teresa said...

We so much missed having you there ... glad you got all the pictures!

Ginnie said...

Thanks for posting. I should direct people to your site since you actually put captions!